Implementation of Restorative Justice in Handling Cases of Bullying in Schools

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M. Afif Hasbullah


Juvenile delinquency is an act of breaking the rules in society by teenagers. Students mainly do this phenomenon themselves. One form of delinquency committed by students, especially at school, is bullying behavior. This study aims to see and understand bullying behavior that can be punished. Then also want to see how important it is for a teenager in this case, especially for students who commit bullying crimes, which are resolved through a restorative justice approach. The research method is in the form of normative juridical through a literature study approach by collecting secondary data. After the data is collected, then the data is processed and analyzed so that conclusions can be drawn from the questions posed in the problem formulation. The results showed that bullying behavior carried out in schools was generally carried out by children who had received a good education and tended to be carried out based on having received the same treatment from their seniors. In handling students dealing with bullying cases, it can be done through diversion efforts through restorative justice with out-of-court settlements involving three stakeholders in resolving issues, namely victims, perpetrators, and the community. In conclusion, the principle of restorative justice adopted in schools is a peaceful settlement by calling all interested parties in bullying cases.


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