How Enhancement in Agricultural Education Affects the Employment Opportunities in the Oil Palm Plantation Sector in Malaysia?

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Shri Dewi Applanaidu, Norhaslinda Zainal Abidin, Ahmad Afif Ahmarofi , Mohammed Baba Abdullahi , Joseph Viandrito


“Agricultural sector plays an important role in Malaysia’s economy. Among all the agriculture commodity, palm oil industry is leading the way. The role of palm oil as one of the Malaysia’s main economic contributor cannot be denied, as this industry contributes to both employment and income from the exports. Educated labours in the palm oil industry has a positive significant effect to the industry growth. Hence, this study simulate the impact of education programs via the allocation budget given for university’s scholarship and palm oil education program on the employment opportunity in the oil palm plantation sector. System dynamics modelling, was used to develop the oil palm education model and data collection was obtained from the secondary sources. Findings from this study highlighted that the education programs will help to produce higher number of employees with technical and vocational skills. This can be achieved through the inclusive and equitable quality education to promote lifelong learning as supported in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4 and gender equality in SDGs 5. Finding from this study will be beneficial to the Malaysian Palm Oil Board and palm oil related authorities on the appropriate actions related to the education opportunities in the oil palm plantation job sector in Malaysia.

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