A Comparative Study of Selected Physical Fitness Components between Volleyball and Non-Volleyball Players

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Dr. Yogendra Sharma , Dr. Manu Mishra , Unmesh Utthasani


Physical fitness is a very essential part of every individual. Physical fitness allows individual to do their daily works vigorously and continuously without any exhaust and have energy leftover to meet any emergency need and enjoy leisure time. The main purpose the revise is in the direction of evaluates desired bodily strength components volleyball in addition to non-volleyball players. 30 student from different schools of Moradabad district were considered as subjects whose age was between 15&18. The variables of the study were leg explosive strength and abdominal strength. The mean value of volleyball group is2.64 and non-volleyball group is 2.23. Whereas standard deviation of volleyball group is 0.15 and non-volleyball group is 0.26. While (5.68) be more for leg explosive strength and on the other hand the mean value of volleyball group is 57.85 and non volleyball group is 34.92. Whereas standard deviation of volleyball group is 10.97 and non-volleyball group is 08.4, while the (8.42) is further the tabulated t-value in case of abdominal strength. From the above study was accomplished with the purpose of there was significance difference between leg quick-tempered strength furthermore abdominal strength between volleyball players and non-volleyball players.

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