Evaluation of Geography books questions for the middle stage according to the levels of cognitive depth

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Najdat Abdulraouf Abdulraida, Karim Jouri Mahmoud Khalaf


The research aims to evaluate the questions of the geographical books of the preparatory stage according to the levels of cognitive depth, which were taught for the academic year (2021-2022).   To achieve the research goal, the researcher adopted the descriptive approach (content analysis method), a research approach, and the research community was represented, and I assigned it to the questions of the geographical books of the preparatory stage, which were (123) main questions, and(357) sub-questions.

To achieve the research questions, the researcher prepared the research tool by reviewing the literature and previous relevant studies, which were represented by preparing a list of the cognitive depth levels of Norman Webb "(remembering and reproducing, applying concepts and skills, deductive thinking, and extended thinking)", and the validity of the tool was verified by presenting it to the arbitrators who are specialized in teaching, measurement and evaluation methods, and the stability of the analysis was verified in two ways: the researcher's agreement with himself over time, and agreement with the external analyst after agreeing on the rules and foundations of the analysis, as the coefficient of persistence over time reached (96.28%), and the coefficient of stability between the researcher and the external analyst (96.01), and the researcher's analysis of geographer's questions for the preparatory stage was based on the explicit idea of recording alone, the frequency unit of scoring, and the agreement with the external analyst after agreeing on the rules and foundations of the rules of the analysis, as it reached (96.28%), the coefficient of persistence between the frequency, the percentile, the percentage of calculation, the equival of the equation, and the reliability of calculation to calculation of the difference in the difference in the levels of observation levels of observation and the levels of observation.

The results showed that the levels of cognitive depth were available in varying proportions in the questions of the geographical books of the middle stage. The level of (remembering and reproducing) was ranked first with repetitions of (283) repetitions, and it was (75.27%), and came in the second place (applying concepts and skills) with repetitions of (74) repetitions, and the percentage of (19.68%), and the level of (deductive thinking) came in the third place with repetitions of (15) repetitions, and by (3.99%), and (extended thinking) came in the fourth place with repetitions of (4) and by (1.06%).

    The results showed that there is a great disparity between the availability rates of cognitive depth levels in the questions of the geographical books of the preparatory stage. The first level (remembrance and reproduction) was available to a high degree, while the questions of the geographical books of the preparatory stage lacked for the third level (deductive thinking), and the fourth level (extended thinking). The results of the research also concluded that there is a statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0.05), and a degree of freedom (3) using the Kai square for good conformity, as the calculated value of the K2 square was (134.207), and the value of the K2 square was (7.82).

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