Use Innovativeness among the Youth
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Purpose: Current study is aimed to comprehend and communicate young consumers’ variety looking for in product usability. It entails repurposing previously used items in new ways. The graduating students of a public University located in Bhopal; India were the respondents of the study. The effect of control variables gender and income on the consumer use innovativeness was also measured.
The primary data was collected using Google form. A pilot study was conducted on 30 respondents to check the construct validity and reliability of the research tool. For the final study a total of 406 responses were obtained. Random sampling technique was used to select the class groups. The questionnaire was then posted to those class groups. SmartPLS software was used to analyze Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling. Confirmatory Composite Analysis was applied in this research in order to observe the interrelationship in terms of linear compounds, followed by testing of structural model framework and testing of research hypotheses.
Findings: It has been found that Curiosity and Creativity, Multiple use Potential, Voluntary Simplicity and Risk Preferences have direct positive impact on Consumer Use Innovativeness. It is observed that Creative reuse has no significant impact on Consumer Use Innovativeness. Also, there is no significant impact of the control variables gender and income on Consumer Use Innovativeness
Practical Implications: Communication of the results of this study would definitely help the higher education policy makers to include innovation and research-oriented curriculum in each level of graduation. Similar studies can be conducted to determine the level of innovation among our country's future leaders. This would also assist policymakers in identifying appropriate methods for instilling entrepreneurial awareness and aptitude among the youth, allowing for the production of more and more guided inventions at the state level, hence improving the country's innovation index.
Originality Value: The study will help the policy makers of both the school and higher education of the state to include more practice-oriented activities to develop and improve entrepreneurial aptitude among the student’s community. This may further motivate the youth towards innovation and entrepreneurship.