Qualitative Survey of Academic Dishonesty on Higher Education: Identify the Factors and Solutions

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Yindi Cardina, Kristiani, Khresna Bayu Sangka


This study aims to identify academic dishonesty committed in universities in online and face-to-face classes. Researchers identify the factors that cause academic cheating and the solutions offered to prevent acts of academic cheating from various countries. This study uses a systematic literature review method. The data used is secondary data in the form of journal articles related to academic cheating during the 2015-2021 period. This study is based on 35 relevant articles sourced from the Google Scholar databases accessed on October – December 2021. The data analysis of this study used Nvivo to classify the data and draw conclusions. The results of the review show that academic dishonesty occurs in almost all countries in the world. The identification results show that there are many factors that cause academic dishonesty which is divided into two, namely internal and external factors. Internal factors are related to students' attitudes, personality, and talents. External factors are more directed to environmental influences. As for the solution, solutions were identified for institutions, lecturers, and students.

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