ALThe plastic Aspects of the Saudi ceramic heritage as an entrance to rooting the artistic identity of university students

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Ahmed, Mohamed Keshar, Mahgoub, Yassir Mohammed, Hamid, AlaaEldin Ahmed


The purpose of this research is to highlight the role of the Saudi ceramic heritage in rooting artistic identity and enriching ceramic works among art education students to deepen their values of belonging to the arts of their ancestors. The research also aspires to draw inspiration from this artistic heritage in the field of ceramics and study it well from the technical and aesthetic aspects to invent new ceramic forms with modern techniques through the course of Ceramic Works. The research sample consists of fifteen students in the Art Education Department, College of Education, King Faisal University, Where the researchers used an experimental methodology based on the application of a student experiment to the sample group using a teaching unit that aims to enrich ceramic works and consolidate the artistic identity of the students, and, the most important of research results are: The validity of the Saudi folklore as an entry point for developing a national sense and consolidating the national identity among individuals, through the use of artistic and aesthetic data for it with a modern vision. And that allowing students to experiment and innovate through the data of the Saudi heritage achieves innovative plastic solutions in the field of ceramics and develops the innovative and creative aspects of students.

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