A Study on Women Entrepreneurship in India

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Dr. Suman Gulia


 A recent report by World Bank says that India can grow in double digits if more women participate in the product line of the Indian economy.

In today’s modern era, women are shouldering the responsibilities with their male counterparts in all walks of life whether it is private sector or public sector, one can find growing of females in almost all sectors. In this context, the increasing numbers of women’s in organization indicates that women must be recognized as active participant in the nation development process. From pastoral society to contemporary information and global society, the role of women has changed drastically. Still lots have to be done yet for aspiring women toward Entrepreneurship.

The word Empowerment simply means equal status, opportunities and independence. In simple words women empowerment means to give freedom to women to make decision of their own and make a better place for them in the society. Two Important factors are required for the empowerment of Indian women one is Education and another one is Entrepreneurship.

In our country parents of girl child put their efforts to make her capable for fulfilling family responsibility through their performance in the household task as priority. But in practically it is also a need of hour that they should also make her capable of learning how to earn money as this is required for their financial independence. They should also need to put a conscious effort toward entrepreneurship as a career option for them if they want to change their talent into their profession.

This study will highlight the issues/challenges/ obstacles in the way of women entrepreneur in India. This is also an attempt to analyze the available financial assistance and Govt. funding schemes for promoting women entrepreneurship. This study is based on secondary sources. The purpose of the study is to identify the key drivers or push up factor for raising number of women entrepreneurs with some relevant suggestions.

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