Work from Home: Boon or Bane to Employees?

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Navaneeth Antony, Ansa S, Jayabhadra J


The study is focused on the opinions of IT employees on various aspects of Work  from home. The study is conducted using original data collected from 120  respondents via Google Forms which was gathered from employees of IT hub  Technopark, Trivandrum City, Kerala, India. Employees' perspectives are  investigated based on their increased expenditures, work stress, and monetary cuts  as a result of the pandemic. Employee replies have an above-average mean score,  indicating a negative attitude toward work from home in all areas of research,  including Employee Expenses, Work Stress, Financial Cuts, Psychological and  Physiological Issues, Work Performance, and Job Security and Stability. Employee  expenses have increased as a result of working from home, including electricity  bills, internet charges, consumables, and equipment maintenance. As a result of the  pandemic, financial sacrifices were imposed. Increased targets, work hours,  meetings outside of business hours, and other factors have put a pressure on a large  number of employees. Lack of interaction with co-workers has resulted in  psychological issues, and many employees are suffering from obesity and lifestyle  diseases as a result of their work schedule. The safety of one's job has often been a  source of concern. 

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