The Temporal Structure of Trauma in Sophia K. Apple`s COVID-19: A Gripping Novel Inspired By Real Event

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Khalaf H. Ali, Intisar Rashid Khaleel


The temporal structure of trauma is the actual embodiment of the whole traumatic experiences which the traumatized individual passes by. That traumatic experience is passing by three periods; these are; Pre-traumatic, Traumatic, and Post-Traumatic. The present paper attempts to shed the lights on the representation of the major traumatic periods of the temporal structure of trauma in Sophia K. Apple`s novel, a novel whose major theme is COVID-19 pandemic and it`s experiences. Hence, the study is going to tackle the story from the traumatic point of view. In other words, the study is aligned within the theoretical framework of the trauma theory.
As for the application of the temporal structure of trauma upon the text, it is a case that is combined to each event thought to involve a traumatic senses, in this case that event which is surely experienced by an individual character, is going to pass by the whole traumatic periods of the temporal of trauma theory. Moreover, the traumatized character himself is going to experience that traumatic journey across the three periods, as if that experience has a start, middle, and an end, in accordance to those three periods.
Then, the study comes up to a conclusion summing up the whole major consequences the paper looks forward to find out.

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