Trend study of the process of access to Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean post Covid-19

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Barrios Queipo Enrique Aurelio, Gallar Pérez Yamirlis, Aznar Sánchez Tomás


The aim of this paper is to determine regularities of the process of access to Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean in the post-COVID-19 period, based on a trend study from 2000 to 2020, which allow universities to adopt endogenous strategies focused towards increasing students' enrollment with the required personological and academic preparation. The determination of the noted irregularities constitutes a prospective scientific result which was achieved, from the application of the historical-logical empirical methods and the documentary review, from two general indicators of the studied period: variation in the number of enrolled students and the health situation effects on the individual, academic, institutional, economic and cultural factors related to the university context, of the future effective demanding population. Impact results will be verified when applying concrete actions within the comprehensive management system for access, permanence, graduation and employability quoted by Barrios and others (2018). These actions will contribute to the fulfillment of Sustainable Development Goal 4 of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, an essential reference for the socio-economic development of the region.

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