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Shasaidova Lola Shamaksudovna, Khakimova Shakhnoza Erkinovna, Omanov Polat Khabitovich, Tyu Thi Kim Zung, Zaitova Nilufar Adkhamovna


At the present stage of development of education, one of the most urgent problems that require new solutions is the need for a qualitative improvement in the knowledge of a foreign language with a small number of hours of study load allotted for the study of this subject by the school curriculum. Successful mastery of a foreign language today is a necessary prerequisite for getting an interesting job in the country and abroad, strengthening friendship with representatives of various countries, for continuing education in international higher education institutions and professional growth in the chosen field of specialization.

However, unfortunately, most school programs, with the exception of those for specialized language schools, provide 1-2 English lessons per week. This is far from enough to ensure the proper level of knowledge of the language when using traditional methods and forms of work in the classroom. It is necessary to develop and use new approaches and technologies aimed at increasing the motivation of schoolchildren's learning activities, and, accordingly, the level of language proficiency. And active teaching methods meet these requirements, since their essence is to interest students, to make them an active participant in the educational process.

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