Moral conviction of educational counselors

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      The current research aims to identify the moral conviction of the educational counselors. The current research sample included (400) guides from the Middle Euphrates governorates. The researchers built a measure of moral conviction based on the theory of Skitka (2008). Four areaswere identified for the scale, namely (moral motivation, moral feelings, objectivity and global , moral independence). The researchers formulated paragraphs for each dimension. The researchers also conducted a statistical analysis of the paragraphs and verified the psychometric properties of (validity, stability), as the apparent validity was extracted by presenting it to a group of arbitrators and specialists in the field of psychology and psychometry to express their views on the validity of the paragraphs. As for stability, it was extracted in two ways, namely the method of retesting, and the Cronbach method. After verifying the validity of the tools through the indicators of validity and consistency, and applying these tools to the sample of research and then collecting and processing data, the research results showed that the two guides are morally convinced.

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