The Effectiveness of Suchman's Model in Formal Thinking among Fifth Grade Scientific Level Students

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Aseel Assi Odeh, Prof. Dr. Kifah Mohsen Abdullah


The aim of the current research is to identify the effectiveness of the Suchman's model in the formal thinking of the fifth grade scientific level  students, and to verify the goal of the research, the following null hypothesis was   formulated e:

  • There is no statistically significant difference at the level of ( 0.05 ) between the average scores of the experimental group students who studied according to the Sukhman model and the average scores of the control group students who studied according to the normal method in the formal thinking test.

The current research community was represented by the fifth grade scientific level  students in the secondary and preparatory schools for government girls affiliated with the Directorate of Karbala Education for the academic year 2021-2022 AD. By random selection, Al-Farouk Prep for girlswas chosen from among the schools of the current research community, as it included three divisions ( A , B, C ). The two divisions ( A ) and ( C ) were chosen by simple randomization to represent ( C ) the experimental group of ( 35 ) students, which was studied according to the steps of the Sukhman model, and similarly, from Division (A) to represent the control group, which was studied according to the usual method. The experimental design was adopted with two groups ( experimental and control ), which partially control one of the other twoOf those with a post-test in formal thinking, the experiment was applied in the first semester of the academic year 2021-2022 AD , and it lasted (11) weeks. The researcher herself studied the two research groups, chemistry for the fifth scientific level  grade, and it was four sessions a week. The two research groups ( experimental and control ) were rewarded in a number of variables, including (formal thinking test, previous information test, intelligence ). The content of the current research was determined by three chapters of the book of chemistry according to the omissions of the Iraqi Ministry of Education, if it was analyzed to behavioral purposes, which reached (148) behavioral purposes in light of Bloom's classification of the cognitive field of the first six levels ( remember , understand, apply, analyze, compose, evaluate ). (44) daily study plans were prepared for the control group according to the usual method. To achieve the goal of the research, the researcher prepared an objective tool e represented by the test of formal thinking of  the type of multiple choice, and the discriminatorypower ofeachparagraphof thetestwascalculatedbyapplyingitsequation,asit wasfound torangebetween ( 0.31 – 0.63 ), as well as extracting the psychometric properties, the results references to the superiority of the experimental group students who studied according to the steps of the Sukhman model over the students of the control group who studied using the usual method in the test of formal thinking and with a large impact.

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