The use of literary texts in the ethnocultural education of children of preschool and primary school age

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Tatiana Valerievna Bezrodnykh, Alla Viktorovna Kurganskaya


The article actualizes issues in the ethnocultural education of children of preschool and primary school age.The aim of the study is to theoretically substantiate, systematize the possibilities of using literary texts in the ethnocultural education of children of preschool and primary school age.The influence of fiction on the ethnocultural education of children of preschool and primary school age: social and moral value (a source of moral and aesthetic norms, patriotic feelings, values ​​of preserving human life and health, regardless of his ethnic, religious and other characteristics); cognitive (a source of knowledge, ideas about cultural traditions and values ​​of peoples of different ethnic groups); emotional and psychological value (satisfy the need for autonomy, contribute to the formation of ethnic identity, develop emotional intelligence, etc.).

The authors analyzed the theoretical literature on the problem of ethnocultural education of children of preschool and primary school age.The theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the interpretation of modern studies of the problem allowed the authors of the article to systematize the possibilities of using literary texts in the ethnocultural education of children of preschool and primary school age.To determine the formation of the ethnocultural competence of children of preschool and primary school age, survey methods were used.

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