Transgression of ‘Love Laws’ and Honour Killing in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things

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K. K. Sunalini , M. Sumalatha , Indrani Merugu, Ch. Jyostna Kumari, V.Sharon Luther


Arundhati Roy’s Booker Prize winning novel, The God of Small Things reflects not only Marxist, Feminist and Dalit agendas but also the social malady of Honour killings. As the narrative unfolds, the root cause of honour killing is the transgression of ‘Love Laws.’ Ammu, Estha and Rahel transgress ‘Love Laws’ due to their disturbed childhood and sense of insecurity. Ammu and Velutha develop sexual relationship which is objected by her aunt Baby Kochamma and brother Chacko because Velutha belongs to a poor Dalit family.  To protect her family honour, Baby Kochamma lodges a police complaint against Velutha and is responsible for his untimely death. Velutha’s death in police custody leads Ammu to commit suicide.  Shocked at the deaths of Ammu, Velutha and Sophie, the twins Estha and Rahel have sexual encounter, not actuated by passion but by the urge to share their deepest sorrows. The present paper essays to focus on the reasons behind the transgression of ‘Love Laws’ and the pernicious social evil of honour killings. 

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