Construction Model in Career Readiness of Malahayati Merchant Marine Polytechnic Cadets

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Moh. Aziz Rohman, Fakhruddin, Titi Prihatin, Muhammad Khafid


The phenomenon that occurs in new vocational graduates who are afraid of failure can actually be one of the trigger to achieve the highest level of achievement, but only a few people who know that the effect of fear of failure can also paralyze a person's enthusiasm and willingness to be able to maximize their potential. The anxieties of job seekers on such fresh graduates are closely related to the problem of lacking individual competence and self-efficacy. Individuals with a fear of failure tend to be afraid of being seen as incompetent and feel that they do not have sufficient abilities to achieve the achievements expected by Hurd (Damayanti, 2008). Several factors that can reduce the feeling of fear of failure in individuals who are looking for work include motivation to achieve success, strong feelings of optimism, good self-efficacy, the name of the alma mater he brings, and full of family support. One of the factors that can reduce the fear of failure in addition to self-efficacy in job seekers is the perception of the alma mater image that job seekers have when looking for work (Fahmi 2011).

This research is an explanatory research with a causal approach. The population used in this research was 249 people and a sample was 170 respondents. The technique of collecting data on training, industrial work practices, locus of control, self-efficacy and parental congress and career readiness is by using an interview approach or in depth interview. The questionnaire data collection instrument is a questionnaire containing statements of the determinant factors of each research variable. Respondents were asked to respond to the statements submitted by choosing alternative answers that had been provided by the researcher in the range of 1 to 10. Inferential analysis used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis techniques which were processed by using the AMOS program.

The results of empirical tests conducted on the variables of career readiness and career maturity indicate that career readiness is statistically proven to have a significant positive effect on career maturity. This means that the career chosen by the respondent will be more mature if it is supported by a good career readiness.


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