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P. Vaijayanthi, R.L. Vinodhini, 3Srividya


Research in the past has intermittently established that JS was not correlated with many of the workplace behaviors which were conventionally held to be significantly interrelated. Besides,while there are abundant publications on job satisfaction there is relatively little on the job satisfaction of academicians in general and very little still on the job satisfaction among school teachers in India. This study is an attempt to find clarification in the interrelationship by measuring JS as a three dimensional attitude. Though the primary objective is to examine the effects of job satisfaction on identified workplace behavior among the academics (school teachers) in Tamilnadu,India, the secondary and tertiary goals of this paper wereto validate the reconstructed tripartite JS construct in the education sector, and to look into the inner dimensions of JS attitude for gaining a better understanding of the JS-outcome relationships. Findings of the study affirm thatthe JS attitude was exceedingly built on Cognition and Evaluation, with low participation of the Affect in the education sector. Performance of employees wereCognition driven, while Organization commitment, Turnover Intention and Intention to stay were Affect driven. This study has made vital contribution to the understanding of JS-outcome relationships by affirming that JS is a comprehensive attitude, andĀ  its constituent components have discrete independentĀ  influences on the diverse employee behaviors in the workplace.Implications for further research and practice have also been presented.

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