Implementing an automated application for attainment calculations of program outcomes in outcome based education

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Hasib Masud Shaikh, Arun Kumar


The main goal of outcome-based education (OBE) is the achievement of program outcomes in a 4-year program. To achieve this, program outcomes need to be properly mapped with the course outcomes of courses of a particular program. Program Outcomes are the statements that describe what knowledge students will achieve by the time of graduation. OBE ensures that a graduate student not only possesses knowledge in a specific program but can also be globally accepted. The curriculum is designed in such a way that students get trained in all 12 program outcomes set by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA). Students gain knowledge through various teaching-learning methodologies like classroom lectures, laboratory experiments, workshops, guest lectures, and projects (mini project & megaproject). Each course is designed with specific CO’s and each CO is mapped with PO. The attainment calculation of CO’s & PO’s is done by assessing students’ performance [1] using MS Excel software.

This paper automates the manual excel work done for CO-PO attainment calculations [3]. After attainment calculations, it shows whether the program outcome has been achieved or not. For calculations, the system collects data such as CO-PO mapping, attainment level. The system also collects direct assessment data such as marks of each student for assignments, experiments, class tests, university marks, and indirect assessment data such as course exit survey. After calculations, it also generates a summary sheet that shows course outcome attainment for each course outcome. The system also generates program outcome attainment in the observation sheet.

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