Peaceful Culture Management and Diversity Santri

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Asrop Safi'I, Muh. Khoirul Rifa'I, Suyitno, Mu'alimin


This research was conducted to find a model of pesantren management in maintaining a culture of peace based on the culture, language, and background culture of the santri. Pesantren has students with various regional backgrounds, origins, ethnicities and languages who become one in life in the pesantren. The diversity of santri is a problem for pesantren to maintain a culture of peace as a form of Islamic teachings. The occurrence of friction between students is common, but parents have a strategy in building and maintaining a culture of peace. The research method uses descriptive phenomenology. Collecting data using interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis used domain analysis, taxonomy, componential and cultural themes. The results of the study indicate that the kiai is a model (uswah) that is applied to social life in pesantren. Santri, who have a diversity of ethnic, racial, linguistic and cultural backgrounds, became harmonious and practiced in the activities of the Koran, congregational prayer, roan, istighotsah, and thoriqah. This peaceful cultural practice provides an example of a harmonious life, a life with diversity that is framed in a boarding school.

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