A bibliographic analysis of research on framing effect (with an emphasis on goal framing) between 1974 to 2021

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Evelina Sahay, Somanth Mukherjee


The framing effect, discovered by Tversky and Kahneman, is one of the most noticeable cognitive biases, wherein person responds significantly whether a decision is portrayed as a gain or a loss The strength of the framing effect has now been established in a number of circumstances, particularly in organic food market decision making. Although scientific studies have been undertaken to evaluate whether the framing effect has a major impact on customer attitudes and purchase intentions on organic food, no systematic statistical assessment have been examined in this area. By undertaking a bibliometric analysis of 169 works on the framing effect, this study tries to bridge the gap. The analysis showed that the literature focuses on green advertising, sustainability, risk perception as well as purchase intention. India's independent papers account for the largest percentage of all publications. Highly cited scholarly publications have worked upon the particular link between cause-related marketing and customer purchase intentions. The analysis highlights that cause-related marketing increases the likelihood of buyers connecting themselves with marketing promotions. The prospect of establishing a theoretical common framework inside national organizations might provide interesting consequences for marketers, the environment, and consumers. This paper provides a thorough understanding of framing effect and organic food by bibliometric analysis, which can help advance scientific research in this subject. Furthermore, the analysis and integration of interdisciplinary domains might aid researchers.


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