Financial Risk Management of Banks in India – A Study of Indian Banks

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Sara Safa Neama


The COVID-19 pandemic has had an immediate impact on economic activity, company and individual income, and asset valuation etc. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has declared the global economy to be in a state of recession! According to the Bank of England, the situation is worse than the financial crisis of 2008. The economic devastation is unprecedented in scope, with far-reaching ramifications for the global economy. The economic impact, according to experts, will permanently disrupt a number of industries, and the transition to a new normal will take several years. The banking industry, in particular, is at the centre of the crisis, posing increased risks that will necessitate significant adjustments in risk evaluation. This article is an attempt to find and view risks from the view point of Reserve Bank of India through a series of Systematic Risk Surveys, which were conducted during the period from April, 2018 to October, 2021. This paper is also shows the detailed explanation about various risks such as “Global Risks, Macro-Economic Risks, Financial Market Risks, Institutional Risks, and General Risks” considered in the survey.

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