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Victoria V. Nevolina, Victoria B. Volkova, Irina I. Shatskaya, Kirill A. Prokhodtsev, Alena A. Zharkova, Galina V. Karpenko, Anna M. Yudina


Social activity at all levels of social and professional life in a certain way affects the preservation of stability and further development of society. The article analyzes the features of students' social activity in the digital age. As a research method, the questionnaire method was used, which allows to effectively identify the features of the ideas of students and university teachers about social activity in the conditions of digital transformation. The article describes the peculiarity of the modern stage of development of students' social activity practices; socio-cultural determinants and the constructive basis of students' social activity are determined; the ideas of students and teachers about the peculiarities of social activity of modern youth are revealed. For the first time, the authors analyzed the implementation of social activity in the context of digital transformations. It is proved that students have a decrease in the desire to participate in the practices of social activity. The reasons for the decrease in the social activity among students are revealed: the proposed and performed activities are monotonous and uninteresting; the results of the student's work are not visible; students do not experience much-needed support and approval from people and social groups and communities that are important to them; the contradiction between the expectations and proposed activity; the performed activity does not entail a real solution to a social problem; as a rule, there are no prospects for personal and professional growth; the difficulty of obtaining new skills that can be applied already at the exit into adulthood. It is determined that students of higher educational institutions explain this situation of a decrease in the practices of participation in the events due to the lack of the common information space. It is proved that it is possible to increase the level of social activity of the modern youth by organizing the common information environment in which there will be news about upcoming events. In the opinion of the interviewed students, specialists engaged in the practice of social activity should have a number of professional competencies.

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