An Analysis on Risk Propensity and Investment Pattern of Male and Female Investors in Financial Investment

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Shivangee Sharma et al.


On the time scale now and then numerous gender differences have existed across countries and cultures. Many researches have cited a huge difference in males and females in almost every endeavor of human civilization. Several studies have examined the liaison between gender and behavioural finance biases.This study is an attempt to compare how male and female investors’ risk propensity varies in financial investment? Are there any differences between investing pattern of both the categories of investors?   The purpose of the research paper is to study gender differences effects on risk propensity in investment decision making. A sample of 124 respondents were randomly selected. Respondents filled behavioral finance questionnaire comprising 16 closed ended questions based on demography and risk propensity. Chi-square test has been used as a statistical tool for data analysis.

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