Main Article Content
In the modern conditions of Russian society’s development, young people are assessed as the most socially and economically vulnerable group in terms of labor and employment, since entering the labor market, young people often face serious difficulties in the employment process. The purpose of the study is to analyze the features of the situation of young people in the modern labor market. Research methods: as a research method, the questionnaire method was used, which allows to identify the leading motivational factor affecting the attitude to work among young people effectively. Research results: the article describes the orientation of young people in the field of labor, the ideas of young people about the attractiveness of their services in the labor market; the specifics of the situation of young people in the modern labor market are shown. The novelty and originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the labor values of modern youth are considered. It is revealed that the priority values of the majority of young people are a high salary, career development, an interesting job. It is determined that a high salary is of particular importance for respondents with higher professional education. For the first time, it was revealed that career development is especially important for students receiving higher education, and for young people who have received higher education, career growth is much less important. The interest of young people in the fact that work brings not only a good income, but also is to their liking is considered. It is shown that the category interesting job is particularly pronounced among girls than among boys. For the first time, it was considered that among girls, the number of people willing to work in their specialty turned out to be twice as many as young men. The qualities that, in the opinion of young people, are necessary for a modern young person to achieve success and well-being in life are defined: responsibility, education and professionalism. It is shown that law-abiding and religiosity were in the last places, and this is especially pronounced among young men. Practical significance: The data obtained in the work can be used in the study of problems related to the employment of young people, in labor psychology, age psychology.