The Effect Of Utilizing Google Search Features In Answering Religious Problems (Study Case : Student In Semarang)
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The purpose of making this journal is as a study of the influence of the phenomenon of the dependence of the millennial generation, especially that which occurs in students in Semarang in responding to the challenges of the times. The case referred to in this case is the use of the google search feature in answering religious problems faced. The respondents we use are students in Semarang, namely UIN Walisongo students, Dinanuswantara students, Diponegoro University students and Muhammadiyah Semarang University students. From the results of the research conducted, it was found that for indicators of use, almost all students used google search to answer their religious problems, religious issues that were often searched for were about Fiqh, Law and others. The virtual world is a free medium, so that various information can be accessed easily. If this information is retrieved without filtering, there will be a misunderstanding in understanding the answers. The method used in this journal is the analysis of various related journals. In addition, this journal also uses a quantitative descriptive method with this type of survey research.