Impact of the employee engagement on the continuous improvement through the innovative behavior in the public sector in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

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Shehadeh Mofleh Al-Gharaibeh, Haitham Ali Hijazi, Mohammad N. ALqudah, Dalal M. Al-Zoubi, Kifya Abdallah, Husam Mustafa Alnaimi


The study aimed to figure out the impact of the employee engagement on the continuous improvement through the innovative behavior as a mediating variable in the public sector in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The study adopted the descriptive, analytical approach. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers distributed a questionnaire to (411) members of the study population. After analyzing the data using the (AMOS), the study concluded a statistically significant impact at sig. (α≤0.05) for the employee engagement on the continuous improvement of the employees in light of the innovative behavior as a mediating variable.


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