Immigration in Assam and Its Impact on Population Growth
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North East India is the easternmost region of India representing both geographic and political division of the country. It comprises of eight states namely Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Assam and Sikkim. Among these eight states excluding Sikkim the other seven are called as seven sisters and Sikkim the only brother. The Present Paper is an attempt to throw light on the issue of immigration which is increasing at an alarming rate in Assam. Immigration is a process of coming to live in a country permanently which is not one’s own. The paper examines the various aspects of illegal migration in Assam. Here, in this paper first attempt has been made to define an illegal immigrant in Assam by historically and politically set parameters over a long period of time. This paper also tries to find out the economic reasons behind immigration. The Present Paper shows the trends in population growth and the high population growth that the state has witnessed in the recent years. Immigration can be stated as one among the many causes that are responsible for the population rise. The population rise has led to various criticism of affecting the business positively as well as negatively. The paper also states the reasons that attract or are responsible for such movements and the ill effects of such moves in the Centre. A scenario of illegal immigration is what the authors wants to show through this paper. Since population is reaching heights so the authors hereby open new ideas or doors so that future research is welcomed and remedial measures are suggested for such growth.