Conceptual Framework of the Enhancing Intellectual Capital for Employee Creativity Through Knowledge Sharing within Abu Dhabi Police in UAE
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The study discusses a study of intellectual capital in the UAE's police force. This study will examine the acquisition and maintenance of intellectual capacity via four mechanisms: human capital, structural capital, relational capital, and social capital. Contributes two points to the rising debate around intellectual capital. To begin, intellectual capital is defined as an investment in the store of knowledge, whereas intellectual ability is defined as the flow or application of that knowledge. Second, it emphasises the distinction between the value of intellectual capital used to accomplish goals and the value of intellectual capital as reported in published reports. Conclusion: Intellectual capital is critical for police officers to prevent and detect crime, as well as to maintain public order, road safety, and public confidence. Despite the limits of traditional accounting measurements, the study proposes that individuals responsible for monitoring employee innovation should place a premium on intellectual capital rather than on financial or quantitative criteria.