The Effect of the Swartz model in the development of lateral thinking among students of the Institute of Fine Arts in the subject of aesthetics

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Aseel raad jamal, Fatima Mohammed Abdullah, Ismail Khalil Ismail


The study aimed to identify (the effect  of the Swartz model in the development of lateral thinking among students of the Institute of Fine Arts in the subject of aesthetics) . The researcher adopted the experimental design and the study sample consisted of the students of the Institute of Fine Arts , the fourth grade, the theater department of (20) male and female students, who were chosen intentionally. The students are divided into two groups, one officer and the other experimental .The plans were prepared according to the Swartz model)) The researcher used a set of statistical methods (Spss) The  most important results of the research were: - The excellence of the students of the experimental group who study aesthetic science according to the (Swartz) model over the students of the control group who study the same material in the traditional way is due to the steps of the (Swartz) model thatcontribute to the development of thinking and concepts for a longer time.In light of the results reached, the  most important conclusions were: - The Swartz model has proven its effectiveness within the limits in which the current study was conducted in developing the skills of lateral thinking among students compared to the traditional method. Accordingly, the researcher recommended the use of modern models in supporting the educational process and supporting the teaching process. These models can communicate the study materials to the students' minds and keep them. Accordingly, the researcher proposes several proposals, including: - Building a program based on the Swartz model to  develop critical thinking among students of the Department of Art Education with the material of technical criticism.

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