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School is one of the educational institutions that has a function to improve human resources. School is an environment that is formed to meet human needs in the form of education. The scope of education management is an effort to explore, cultivate, mobilize and maintain educational resources in a balanced and sustainable manner in order to achieve goals through a cooperative system. Quality in education is defined in the form of service, in which the service is able to meet the needs and expectations of the parties involved with the main focus being on students. The government of each region is also aggressively providing mandates to all educational institutions to be able to produce superior and quality graduates. The desired graduate excellence covers all educational institutions throughout Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach and aims to observe, understand, and give an interpretation of the events or events that take place related to the research focus, namely how to plan strategies in improving the quality of graduates at SMAN 1 Pringsewu, SMAN 1 Gadingrejo and MAN 1 Pringsewu, and the results This study explains that the formulation of the Vision of SMAN 1 Pringsewu describes the school's main goals to become: SMA Negeri 1 Pringsewu Religious, Courteous, Superior and Leading. The development of strategic plans at SMAN 1 in order to improve the quality of graduates is reflected in the strategies set out in several programs, including: a). superior program strategy, (b) curriculum program strategy, c) student program strategy, d) infrastructure program strategy, e) public relations program strategy, and f) strategy for increasing the professionalism of human resources.