Pedagogical conditions for the development of socio-cultural competence of high school students in Karakalpakstan
Main Article Content
In our republic, special attention is paid to improving the quality of education based on advanced foreign experience, improving the tutoring and facilitation system for the development of socio-cultural competence of future teachers, establishing professional and deontological qualities based on national and universal values. The scientific novelty of the study is as follows: the content, cognitive, functional, strategic and affective components of socio-cultural competence are substantiated as an integral basis of intercultural communicative competence, they are presented in the integrative linking of socio-cultural knowledge (values, traditions and mentality) with language skills (the correct use of language units in speech). In the process of research on the studied problem, such methods as comparative-critical study and analysis of political, philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical literature, the study of advanced pedagogical experience in higher educational institutions are used. The presented results substantiate the need to determine the possibilities of extracurricular activities in the development of socio-cultural competence of future teachers, as well as to improve the didactic support for the development of socio-cultural competence of future English teachers which are used in the development of technologies to increase the interests of future specialists in the study of world culture and the preparation and promotion of national culture.