Continuous Line Manufacturing System Effectiveness (OMLE) Evaluation and Improvement using Total Productive Maintenance and Lean Manufacturing with Real Case Studies

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J. Logeshwaran, RM Nachiappan


Today's manufacturing environment expects more with less expenses and effort. The development process must be effective to be in the global competitive market as a pioneer or world-class. It has been achieved by adopting the tool called Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Lean Manufacturing (LM). The application and results of tool implementation have been measured by the integrated performance index that Nakajima says is Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Through-put Effectiveness (TE). Based on this, towards assessing the effectiveness of a manufacturing line with or without inventory, the Overall Manufacturing Line Effectiveness (OMLE) has been developed. OMLE provides a way to monitor the whole manufacturing chain by evaluating the outcomes of the entire incident. In this paper, the effectiveness of the product line manufacturing system has been estimated for various types of manufacturing processes through case studies. This analysis aims to increase the visibility and quantification of losses/waste in processes and improve the effectiveness of the product line. The bottleneck parameter and its corresponding processes in the product line have been defined and substantially changed in the product line regardless of the number of processes in the product line. The OMLE before and after implementing the kaizen in the case studies has been presented. The OMLE results of the various product manufacturing process lines have also been compared. OMLE serves as a blueprint to improve production process/line quality or output to produce a targeted resolution.

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