Ethics Self Evaluation Toolkit App: A New Norm in Humanizing Governance

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Geetha Subramaniam, Jayalakshmy Ramachandran, Angelina Yee Seow Voon, Yap Kuan Yi


Ethical performance is crucial for corporate citizenship and can be enhanced only through individual and collective virtues. However, recurring incidences of corporate scandals have questioned corporate accountability. Best practices have been put in place to encourage governance although they seem quite ineffective and requires a paradigm shift towards human governance. This research proposes an ethics self-evaluation toolkit through a mobile application. The Ethics self-evaluation toolkit application (app) designed for an employee to self-evaluate and monitor ethical performance aims to: (1) identify the extent to which employees practice ethics at work; (2) determine the limitations faced by individuals in applying ethical decisions and (3) provide a support system to enhance employees’ ethical behavior. There are two parties in this mobile app – the employee who self-evaluates at workplace and the employer who records the ethical performance. The employees will be able self-evaluate themselves in terms of responsibility and accountability and identify the extent to which they practice ethics at the workplace. On the other hand, the employer will be able to monitor and record the ethical performances of employees on an annual basis. The niche and user-friendly mobile app will allow every employee to be responsible and accountable for their actions in their respective roles. Hence this app will benefit both employees and employers. Additionally, it will enable organizations to create a bottoms-up approach to corporate governance rather than the current top-down approach thereby helping to reduce incidences of fraud.

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