Smoking Among Working-Age People: A Case Study of Community in Thailand
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Background – Smoking is dangerous for smokers and those nearby. The current smoking situation has an increasing number of smokers around the world. Cigarettes are addictive substances that have long-term health effects that threaten the health of the individual, community, and society. Many of the compounds in tobacco cause diseases such as สรlung cancer or respiratory diseases. Every minute, 6-7 people die from smoking. The nicotine in cigarette smoke, when inhaled, enters the brain within 8-10 seconds, causing the arteries to constrict. high blood pressure, breathe faster, and stimulate the midbrain to make you feel relaxed in the early stages. Much working age is smoke for a reason to relieve stress. especially the working-age population with stress from work. The depletion of working-age resources from cigarettes is not something that should happen.
Objective – This paper aims to study the relationship between stress and smoking behavior of working age.
Methods – This research is contextual research by using a cross-sectional survey. The samples were working-age select the sample group by stratified proportion random simple and not overridden by using a random number table. The sample consisted of 350 working age. The research instrument was a questionnaire 3 part. The questionnaire was created by the researcher from literature review and related research. Three-part of questionnaires of personal data questionnaire, stress questionnaire and smoking behavior 30 item is five Likert scales. The statistics used for data analysis are descriptive, inferential statistics analyzed.
Results – Most of the working-age was at a moderate level of stress. and felt the least stressful. The relationship between stress and smoking behavior found that the duration of smoking, type of cigarette, smoked cigarette, and smoking frequency no relationship to stress while the cost of cigarettes per month, the reason you smoke when doing you usually smoke, and the place is often used to smoke associated to stress statistically significant at the 0.05 level
Conclusion – Working-age smoking is caused by several factors, one of the major factors being the stress of the working-age population. The results of the study found that smoking relieves stress. The effect of smoking often occurs in the long term. Working people still lack awareness of their health care. and regardless of the condition of the disease that will occur as well. However, a variety of ways to manage stress should be sought. To reduce the smoking behavior of working people to reduce