Cognitive Restructuring Techniques in Developing Student Self-Compassion

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Shinta Mayasari, Mujiyati, Sofwan Adiputra


Self-compassion is one of the predictors that can explain how individuals are able to survive, understand and realize the meaning of a difficulty as a positive thing. Individuals who have good Self-compassion will show better psychological health than those who have a low level of Self-compassion. The purpose of this study is to develop cognitive restructuring techniques that can develop students' self-compassion. The study was conducted using the quasi-experiment method. The samples of this study were 20 students who were indicated to have low self-compassion.  Data collection techniques in this study used a self-compassion scale (SCC) instrument, which was adapted into Indonesian. The data analysis technique used t-test. The results of the t-test show that the t-count ≥ t-table, which is 7.312 ≥ 2.101. Thus it can be stated that cognitive restructuring techniques are effective for increasing student self-compassion. Interventions are given to produce changes in individuals through students' ways of thinking, which have implications for emotions and behavior. The target to be achieved is to restructure negative thoughts in response to events into positive thoughts.


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