Assess the prevalence and mother’s knowledge regarding home accidents in under five children: A descriptive study
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BACKGROUND: Home accidents or domestic accidents are now a days a major reason of death or disabilities in this world .Where as Children less than 5 yearsare most likely prone to home accidents due to many reasons such as their curious nature of knowing the things better ,lack of supervision of care takers, mothers lack of knowledge on prevention of home accidents etc. As a primary care giver mothers knowledge about home accidents plays an important role in avoiding unintentional injuries among children.
1). Assess the prevalence of home accidents among under five children.
2 ).Assess the mother’s knowledge regarding home accidents among under-five children.
3).Find out the association between the prevalence of home accidents among under-five children and selected socio-demographic variables
4). Find out the association between the mother’s knowledge regarding home accidents among under-five children and selected socio-demographic variables.
METHOD: Descriptive research design has been used to attain the objectives of present study. A total 100 mothers of under five children were selected as sample by using convenient sampling technique.
RESULT: The prevalence of home accidents among under five children revealed that 33% of children had home accidents and 67% had no home accidents. Hence the prevalence rate of home accidents among under five children was 33%. Results showed that majority 86% of mothers had average knowledge and 14% of mothers had poor knowledge regarding prevention and management of home accidents.the association between prevalence of home accidents of under five children with selected demographic variables which was tested by using chi-square test. Results showed that age of the mothers, educational status, monthly income of family, occupational status, type of family, number of children and mass media were found statistically non significant association at p<0.05 level with prevalence of home accidents of under five children. the association between level of knowledge regarding prevention and management of home accidents among mothers of under five children with selected demographic variables which was tested by using chi-square test. Results showed number of children of mothers was statistically significant association at p<0.05 level with level of knowledge regarding prevention and management of home accidents. The other demographic variables such as age of the mothers, educational status, monthly income of family, occupational status, type of family and mass media were found statistically non significant association at p<0.05 level with level of knowledge regarding prevention and management of home accidents.
CONCLUSION: study concluded that there is need for paying much more attention on mother’s education on prevention of home accidents in under five children.