The Impact of Store Layout Designing on Virtual Platforms: The Case of Retail Companies

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Dr Binit Patel, Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere, Dr Krishnasamy Srinivasan, Dr Rameshwaran Byloppilly, Iskandar Muda, Prabhdeep Singh, S. Suman Rajest


Human-computer interface and device architecture play a crucial role in a dynamic retail market in the modern age of information technology. In a virtual universe, infrastructure is configured to construct a setting that fascinates and makes shoppers spend more time in the store on purchase. A retailer’s progress depends on the quick response and deployment of emerging technology to ease the customer shopping experience.A retail sector’s performance depends on virtual businesses. Digital signage is often widely used for the promotion of various shop materials. The objective of this paper is to choose a specific digital signage style. To enhance customer service management, digital signs can be placed in various contexts, such as subway stations, shopping centres, airline terminals, etc.The system indicated that the Short Answer code of the product is checked, and afterwards, the product reaches the end of the consumer. The flower, pipeline and guidance arrangement are included in the meaning of digital signage.Statistical findings indicate that the design has a substantial effect on the actions of consumers. In addition, contact with humans and the machine may help us recognise consumers’ interaction with digital signs.

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