Exploring the Intercultural Marriage between Malaysian Women and African Men in Sarawak

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Okoronkwo Elias Anaelechi, Fatahyah Binti Yahya, ValerieVelina


This researchexplored theexperiences,  perceptions and coping mechanism ofintercultural marriage among Malaysian women and African men in Sarawak, Malaysia.  The study is conducted through an exploratory qualitative mode of research. Snowball technique is used to identify participants and semi-structured interview and observation methods were used as the research instruments to extract data from the targeted intercultural marriage group. Data analysis was done using thematic analysis.  The findings of this study indicatedthe potentials of cultural differences as well as the cultural similarities that existed among these intercultural marriage couples as major experiences.On the other hand, systematic racial discrimination through government policies and sometimes aided through media and individual or group of individuals were also indicated on the findings. The results provided support to the macro-sociological theory of social structure which served as lenses to this research. All of thesewillbenefits society in general, especially the educators, counsellors, and training counsellors, caregivers and individuals who are planning to enter an intercultural marriage with African men and vice versa. 

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