Semana SantaTraditions:The Symbol of the Lamaholot Community Ecological Mindset

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Oliva Wissang, Fakultas Sastra, Dawud, Fakultas Sastra, Sumadi, Fakultas Sastra, Yuni Pratiwi, Fakultas Sastra


This study aims to explain the symbol of the ecological mindset of the Lamaholot community in the Semana Santa tradition. This research is a qualitative research, type of autoethnography that emphasizes the experience and reflexivity of the researcher. Collecting data through observation and interviews with resource persons. Data analysis used autoethnographic techniques, ethnographic-interactive analysis. This study uses ethnosemiotic theory related to the cultural meanings contained in cultural symbols. The Semana Santa tradition is a cultural specialty of the Lamaholot community with cultural symbols that express the beliefs held, ideas or ideas, thoughts and attitudes, behavior of the Lamaholot community. The ecological mindset of the Lamaholot community in the Semana Santa tradition is revealed in the rituals carried out (1) the tikam turo ritual, (2) sea procession or Tuan Menino's procession, (3) sorong serah ritual, and (4) serah punto dama ritual. These four rituals reveal the ecological mindset of the Lamaholot community, namely (1) nature as a source of life, namely providing abundant results, providing fertility, providing wealth that is used for life, (2) nature as a source of fulfilling spiritual needs, namely self-purification, cleansing of evil, purification of intentions, (3) nature as a source of mental strength, namely firmness in principle, courage to face challenges, willingness to sacrifice, and (4) nature as a source of self-harmony, namely harmonious relationships, willingness to share, carrying out the main things in life .

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