Virtual education in times of COVID-19: bibliographic review

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Pablo Celestino Olivares Rodríguez, Carla Cristina Tamayo Ly, José Elías Plasencia Latour, César Andrés Borja Villanueva


This paper presents an analysis of virtual education as a new process of learning and transmission of knowledge through modern communication networks, defining its advantages and disadvantages, bringing with it the adaptation of students and teachers, seeking new strategies of teachings and learning. The objective was to analyze the theories of virtual education during the confinement by COVID-19. The method used was the bibliographic review in different databases, including Scielo, Dialnet, Scopus , Google academic. The search strategies that have been used to collect the information shown in the article were by keywords, between the years 2015 and 2020 . It is concluded that virtual education is a good alternative to the emergency situation of education caused by the pandemic; however, in Peru, the digital divide has caused a lack of equity and limitations in digital resources, accompaniment in university education.

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