Exploring Qualitatively Teachers’ Views Of Critical Thinking Teaching: English Language And Literature Department At Setif 2 University, Algeria
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The present qualitative exploration aims at investigating how English as a Foreign Language teachers view critical thinking teaching. The inquiry implemented forty to sixty minutes’ individual discussions held in 2014-2015 for a month with sixteen teachers representing the half of the whole population teaching Language Science, and Civilization-Literature branches at the English Language and Literature Department at Setif 2 University, ALGERIA. These in-depth discussions revealed that teachers’ views of critical thinking teaching were not only heterogeneous, but distorted, and mainly teacher-centered, and this is due to a number of reasons that are highlighted in this research work. Worth noting that this investigation has certain limitations, but its conclusions remain significantly interesting, and even helpful in proceeding to generate hypotheses that could be tested to larger populations, and this is through future experimental researches.