Relationship in Psychological Capital and Academic Achievement of adolescents
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“Psycap, an individual’s positive psychological state of development, consist of variables of hope, self-efficacy, resilience and optimism” (Paul & Saha, 2016). While “academic achievement is the extent to which a learner is profiting from instructions in a given area of learning i.e., the achievement is reflected by the extent to which skill or knowledge has been imparted to him” (Crow and Crow 1969). The present study was conducted to explore the relationship in psychological capital and academic achievement of adolescents. Descriptive survey method was employed. The sample compromised of two hundred and one students (122 boys and 79 girls) from both government and private secondary schools of Ghaziabad district in Uttar Pradesh by using simple random sampling. Government schools contributed 107 students and private schools contributed 94 students. The tool used for data collection was PCQ-24 and the percentage of 10th standard was used for academic achievement. t-test was used to find mean differences with respect to gender and type of school, while correlation was applied to find out the relationship in variables. Following conclusions were drawn (1) girls exhibited greater “self-efficacy”, “hope” and overall psychological capital in comparison to their boy counterparts. (2) girls exhibited better academic achievement than boys. (3) private school students had greater “self-efficacy”, “hope”, “optimism” and overall psychological capital in comparison to their government school counterparts. (4) private school students had greater academic achievement in comparison to government school students. (5) significant positive relationship was found in “self-efficacy”, “resilience”, “optimism”, overall psychological capital and academic achievement of adolescents.