A Diachronic Analysis Of Ta'wīl And I'tabār In Qurānic Interpretation
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The research delves into Qur'anic interpretation (tafsir and ta'wil), emphasizing the importance of considering linguistic context and prophetic traditions. It highlights the Quran's enduring significance as a code of life while acknowledging the scholarly differences in its interpretation. Maulānā ‘Ubaid Allāh Sindhī and Maulānā Ashraf ‘Alī Thānvī, notable scholars of the twentieth century, offer contrasting interpretations employing their own exegetical rules, particularly regarding the principle of ‘Ilm al-I‘tibār. While Maulānā Thānvī focuses on individual moral enhancement, Maulānā Sindhī applies it to state affairs. This article presents a comparative analysis of their approaches, elucidating how they derive implications of Qur'anic verses for domestic issues through ‘Ilm al-I‘tibār.