Shaping Self-Perception: The Intricate Relationship Between Self-Concept Self-Image And Body Dysmorphic Disorder

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Bareera Saeed , Nazia Manzoor Sheikh , Dr Nabeela Shahzadi , Dr. Ziasma Hanif Khan


This review article delves into the intricate relationship between self-concept and self-image, examining how they mutually shape and influence an individual's self-perception further it also examine the relationship between self-image and self-concept in the context of Body Dysmorphic Disorder. We explore the psychological and social factors influencing self-perception, the impact of Body Dysmorphic Disorder on self-esteem and body image, and the potential therapeutic interventions for improving self-concept in individuals with Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Self-concept refers to an individual's beliefs, attitudes, and evaluations of themselves, encompassing their thoughts about abilities, values, and identities. BDD is a psychiatric condition characterized by excessive preoccupation with perceived flaws in one's appearance. Self-image, on the other hand, relates to the mental and emotional picture one has of oneself, including physical appearance, social roles, and personal traits. Through an exploration of the multifaceted nature of self-concept and self-image, this article aims to elucidate their interplay and impact. It examines the dynamic process through which self-concept and self-image are formed, considering both internal factors such as personal experiences, beliefs, and self-reflection, as well as external influences like societal norms, cultural expectations, and interpersonal interactions. The consequences of a positive or negative self-concept and self-image on an individual's well-being, relationships, and life satisfaction are also discussed. Psychological and emotional implications of distorted self-perception and potential barriers to personal growth and fulfillment are explored. Additionally, this article highlights strategies and interventions for cultivating a healthy self-concept and self-image. The role of self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-acceptance in fostering positive self-perception is examined. The influence of social support, therapy, and self-reflection practices in transforming negative self-perceptions and promoting personal development are also considered. In conclusion, this review article emphasizes the significance of comprehending the intricate relationship between self-concept and self-image in shaping an individual's self-perception. By exploring formation processes, consequences, and intervention strategies, this article provides valuable insights into the complexity of self-perception and offers guidance for individuals seeking to cultivate a positive and authentic sense of self.

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