Embryonic World Order: Implications For Pakistan’s Foreign Policy, Geopolitical Agendas And Foreign Affairs
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The paper is a systematic review, based on secondary research outcomes and highlights the realism perspective which is of significant importance in understanding the post 9/11 emerging world order, realignments and implications for Pakistan, a thorough discussion has been made by considering various aspects of the changing world order after 9/11. This study has made a contribution by compiling the important findings regarding the geo-economics, geo politics and other aspects of Pakistan’s foreign policy. The important concepts of world order, incident of 9/11 and impact on the foreign policy of Pakistan has been discussed. The research determines to serve objectives such as the Emerging World Order, Realignments and Implications for Pakistan, the association of Pakistan’s present political and economic condition with relation to international orders and capture the current picture of the Pakistan’s emerging foreign policy and condition of international relations. The findings of the research illustrate how the incident of 9/11 has drastically changed the world economy, particularly of Pakistan. Since then, Pakistan has to bear a huge cost being a Muslim country and an ally to United States. Further the challenges and opportunities have been discussed with association to the present foreign policy realignments.