Political, Psychological, Social, Economic, Ethnic, Education And Environmental Future Outcomes Of CPEC On Pakistan

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Tayba Anwar , Dr. Asia Saif Alvi , Dr. Moazama Anwar , Dr. Sidra Karamat , Tallat Yasmin


Almost 72 years ago strategic partners, Pakistan and China tied the knots of friendship and this partnership has survived in all circumstances. Initial partnership ties were based upon political and military co-operations of both China and Pakistan. But in half of 2nd decade of 21st century, both of them signed an economic and commercial agreement named CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor). It is result of socioeconomic and political cooperation through regional connectivity; i.e. Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) launched by President Xi Jinping in 2013 connecting Kashgar to Gwadar. In contemporary world, CPEC has become a hot topic of Pak-China relations because it provides shortest route to China towards the Middle East and Europe. The Geo-strategic location of Pakistan especially, Gwadar port is really important as it connects almost the whole world for trade. This project is also important because both countries want to utilize economic dividends of CPEC for socio-economic development of their underdeveloped areas. It includes the western regions of China, Xinjiang and the Baluchistan province of Pakistan. CPEC has a tremendous impact on the future strategic alignment in South Asia the most. So, all the positive and negative outcomes with reference to past and present performance have been analyzed here. It included social, political, economic, ethnicity, environmental and educational outcomes.

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