Developing Educational Curriculum In Indonesia Using Scientific Approach

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Ray Septianis , Kartika , Asrori , Hotnier Sipahutar ,Hadi Supratikta , Catur Wibowo , Marsono , Slamet Rahmat Topo Susilo , Tomo Hadi Saputro ,Amsal, Siti Maemunah


The education curriculum in Indonesia is still not running optimally, this is because there are still many obstacles in its implementation. The problems that arise in implementing this curriculum include many teachers who do not understand the application of the 2013 curriculum properly, facilities and infrastructure that do not support it, and assessments that are authentic. This research aims to develop a curriculum in Indonesia using a scientific approach which has been a polemic so far to create quality education. The research method used is qualitative research with library research data collection techniques. The results of the study show that curriculum development uses a scientific approach focusing on questioning, reasoning, trying, and communicating as well as conducting learning evaluations that focus on 3 aspects, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. In its implementation, there are still several problems in implementing the 2013 curriculum, namely a lack of understanding in preparing learning implementation plans so that the implementation of learning with a scientific approach is not optimal, and the difficulty in conducting learning assessments. So that there is a need for regular training and coaching for teachers regarding the implementation of the 2013 curriculum, equitable distribution of facilities and infrastructure in each school, and providing more time for conducting assessments.

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