Does The Academic Environment Affect Students’ Language Writing Ability? An Investigation

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Rasika V Shende , Jaipal


Aim and objectives: The present study investigates the relationship between academic environment and students’ performance on English writing skills during covid 19 pandemic break. It addresses the following two research questions. (a)What is the impact of academic environment on writing in English language of high school students? (b)What are some strategies to mitigate English language learning loss due to the pandemic? Methodology: In this study (n=120) mixed level English as second language learners from high school were selected randomly. The writing skills test was performed on the students designed on the syllabus that was taught before the COVID 19 pandemic break. Selected student’s writing skill was measured with the help of semi structured questionnaire. Data and analysis: The analysis of the students’ writing performance was done using descriptive analysis. The manual screening of the test results and analysis using EViews software and Microsoft excel was carried out. Findings: The analysis revealed the directly proportional relationship between the academic environment and the English writing skills competence. The break from academic environment lowered the student’s competence to use proper tense, word spelling, sentence formation and their vocabulary enhancement was restricted, occurrence of mother tongue found on students writing whose parents do not speak in English at home etc. Originality: The existing research in English language teaching (ELT) has not studied the impact on the relationship between academic environment and writing in English during the pandemic period. A study with measures including sub skills using the survey method is a novel contribution in the field of English language teaching. Significance: The study provides an insight on the state of writing skills in English, suggests mitigation strategies that will help administrators, teachers and students in improving their English language writing skill.

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