The Female Body Image In The Novel" Wallada Bint Al-Mustakfi In Fez" By Dr. Mohamed Abdurrahman Younis

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Dr. Zine Khadidja


The female body has enchanted old and new , praising, describing and portraying it. The body has become enslaving and captivating it describers and. Some of these describers made it a symbol of chastity and virtue; others have freed it and taken it away from the veil of decency, planted the seeds of debauchery and devout values on it, and they they went on to portray 's body merits, and their ornaments such as jewelry and perfumes, and made it a way to seduce rulers and kings, and he was the accesses to every tyrant’s heart.

     Dr. Mohamed Abdurrahman Younis’ novel " Wallada bint al-Mustakfi in Fez" " is one of the novels that depicted the female body’s charm as an end in itself, drawing its way and illuminating sensitive areas affecting the dominant trinity: Sex- Religion- Politics to reflect political, economic, social or moral livelihood issues.

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